“Come and talk with me”

 Psalm 27:8

My heart has heard you say “Come and talk with me”

And my heart responds, “Lord, I am coming.”

Loneliness hurts especially when you have people in your life that love you and you love them in return.We can’t put our faith in people to always be there when we need them.  So many times we put our hearts in the hands of humans and when they drop it we just can’t seem to understand why. They drop it because it isn’t their job to hold it, that is The Lords job. And why would we ever take it away from him?!? The Lord is constant in our lives. He never leaves us. He is our great counselor. He is our creator. He is the only one that truly knows our heart. So when we have no one else to turn to we go to him but, what if instead of him being the last he becomes the first we search for when we need to talk, cry, scream, or laugh. We can literally say anything to him and he will never use it against us. He leads us to his word and guides with his Love and Grace to help us see he is in control. So no matter the pain and hurt we feel he is there waiting with his arms ready to receive us. When we seek, we will find. The most important thing we must remember is that we need to seek him above all else. 

So today I encourage you with whatever you’re facing, good or bad, go to him and praise him for his Love and Grace, and just talk to him.

 David tells us in psalms that our hearts tell us that the lord is talking to us. He’s asking us to come and talk with him.

 Are you coming?


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